Our Mission:
The mission of Friends of Stir’s is simple: Bring food to those that are hungry! Our commitment is to contribute to the worldwide humanitarian effort to eradicate hunger. Those without the means to provide enough food for themselves are our main focus.
Our Vision:
One person can make a difference. Without vision and food, the people perish. Partnering with the cereal store Stir’s, and many other individual, corporate and philanthropic donors, we can provide food to those in need as well as educational endeavors that facilitate self-sufficiency and job training. No child should go to bed hungry!
Our Promise:
No sticky fingers! Every dollar that is donated to Friends of Stir’s will be used for the purchasing of food for the hungry. It is that simple. The administration and facilitation of our charity is run completely on donated time and resources by the board of directors.
How much so far?
Get in Touch!
For more information about Stirs Cereal visit: www.stirs.com
For more information about the Stirs Promise visit: https://stirs.com/giveback/
For more information about Friends of Stir’s see Our By-laws (here is a link to the bylaws that are listed below in appendix a) and our Description of Activities (a link to the text in appendix B)